However, the temptation, tranquillization, and alienation are distinguishing marks of the Being called "falling". As falling, everyday Being-towards-death is a constant fleeing in the face of death. Being-towards-the-end has the mode of evasion in the face of death. As a factical social arrangement, ' welfare work' is not a special case of that Being-towards-death which operates in a circumspective fashion. Its aim is one of fundamental ontology. Its function is not to fix and fixate upon a chosen direction in which Dasein might be able to turn towards itself towards its end. Nevertheless, this is not in the least decisive as to its kind of Being. One may argue neither decree prematurely that this "movement" is 'merely subjective', nor do we know anything about it except that it is nothing but the expression of universal over and above all, and that it has no 'subject' as its cause.