7月11日 | 撰写女权主义宣言Racelar Ho2023年7月26日讀畢需時 1 分鐘主题:撰写女权主义宣言指定阅读: Red Stocking ManifestoFirestone, S. (1970) The Dialectic of SexThe Combahee River Collective StatementDe Beauvoir, S. (1971). Manifesto for the 343Crispin, J. (2017). Why I am not a Feminist: A Feminist Manifesto
主题:撰写女权主义宣言指定阅读: Red Stocking ManifestoFirestone, S. (1970) The Dialectic of SexThe Combahee River Collective StatementDe Beauvoir, S. (1971). Manifesto for the 343Crispin, J. (2017). Why I am not a Feminist: A Feminist Manifesto